While the holidays may not be a direct cause of hair loss, the stress they inflict can certainly lead to diffuse hair shedding.
IPL in Lansdale, PA
If you struggle with how your facial skin looks because of sun damage or dark spots, Spa 361 at the Dermatology and Skin Cancer Institute can offer you a skin analysis at our Fort Washington or Lansdale, PA office to see if you qualify for intense pulsed light therapy (IPL). An IPL photofacial is a skin rejuvenation treatment for adult men and women with hyperpigmentation issues on their face and neck. IPL is not considered an invasive procedure, but it can be very effective and produce great results. We are proud to use the advanced Spectrum Laser technology for our IPL treatments. This treatment sends intense wavelengths of light that heat the skin just enough to ignite the natural regeneration process and boost collagen production. Over time, you should see a healthier complexion with a more even tone and less dark spots.
IPL works deep within the layers of your skin to improve many complexion concerns (especially sun spots and brown lesions) with little or no downtime. Candidates for IPL at Spa 361 at the Dermatology and Skin Cancer Institute may have a combination of concerns with their skin, including sun damage, rosacea, hyperpigmentation (brown spots), rough texture, large pores, flushing, freckles, melasma, age and sun spots, or broken capillaries. A trained and experienced professional will assess your skin to see if you are a candidate for IPL at your private consultation.
IPL is performed in about 20 – 30 minutes in a private treatment room. To start the IPL facial, we will clean and dry your skin and then cover your eyes with special laser shields. The IPL is administered using a handheld device that passes over the skin while emitting pulses of laser energy. While most patients will feel some discomfort during the IPL, it is generally tolerable for the short duration of the treatment.
There is no downtime associated with an IPL photofacial treatment, but you will leave your appointment with your skin a little red and swollen. This will decrease on its own as the day continues — it can be concealed with makeup if you want. Spa 361 at the Dermatology and Skin Cancer Institute advises patients to keep an ointment on the skin’s surface to decrease irritation and speed healing. It also helps to take an anti-inflammatory medication to help decrease swelling. Over the course of several days, the sun damage and other irregularities that rested under the skin will come to the surface and then begin to flake off. It’s necessary to keep your skin protected from the sun at all times after an IPL photofacial treatment and to not pick at your skin. While you should see some visible results after the first session, your skin will reach its optimal results after several IPL sessions. Dr. Saxena recommends approximately 3 – 6 treatments performed about four weeks apart.
You probably didn’t worry too much about your skin when you were younger, but now that environmental damage like sun spots and other irregularities are appearing, you may be interested in ways to improve your complexion. We invite you to learn more about IPL treatments by scheduling a consultation at our Fort Washington or Lansdale, PA location. With IPL laser treatments at Spa 361 at the Dermatology and Skin Cancer Institute, we can go deep within the layers of your skin to help bring back a bright glow and a clear complexion.