What can be done to reduce the risk of developing more skin cancer if they have already had basal or squamous cell skin cancer?
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What are Molluscum?
These viral lesions spread from skin-to-skin contact and cause smooth, dome-shape.

Lichen Simplex Chronicus – What is that?!
Repeatedly scratching the same patch of skin? Could be the cause of Lichen Simpl

Tolerating Topical Retinoids
Topical retinoids are creams and gels used to treat acne and photoaging while improving overall skin texture and dyspigmentation.

Everything you need to know about Cysts!
Dr. Pimple Popper made them famous, but actually, is it a cyst?

What Are Retinoids? Should I Be Using Retinoids?
Texture improvement, collagen production, minimized wrinkles, and anti-inflammatory properties are benefits of using retinoids!

Summer Sunburn Season
Summertime is still here! There is still time for fun in the sun! And, unfortunately sometimes sunburn.