Purpura are purplish-red blotches often found on arms and legs of older pateints
Dr. David A. Kasper
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Ticks the Season – What you need to know about Lyme Disease
Facts about Lyme Disease including transmission, prevention, the rash, and treatment

How Effective Is Laser Tattoo Removal?
Do you have any unwanted ink? Learn more about the process of laser tattoo removal and how it works to permanently remove tattoos from your skin.

May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month: Skin Cancer is an Equal Opportunity Disease
May is skin cancer awareness month. Learn skin cancer statistics, recommendations for sun protection, and early detection of skin cancer.

Does Laser Hair Removal Feel Painless?
So, what does laser hair removal feel like? Destroy hair follicles permanently and learn about the benefits of long-term hair removal at our clinic.

What Should I Expect During My Skin Cancer Screening?
Make sure you know what to expect out of a skin cancer screening appointment, and find out how often you should have one to keep yourself protected.