Pityriasis alba is a harmless skin condition that appears as hypopigmented (or lighter) patches on the face or arms mainly in children. Sometimes mild redness and fine scaling are seen with this condition as well. It is thought to be a low-grade type of eczema and those with eczema or atopic dermatitis are more prone…
Amy M. Hahn
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Have mild red patches? It could be Pityriasis Alba!
What is Pityriasis Alba? Can it be prevented? How is Pityriasis Alba treated?

How does Niacinamide actually work?
What can be done to reduce the risk of developing more skin cancer if they have already had basal or squamous cell skin cancer?

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Summer Sunburn Season
Summertime is still here! There is still time for fun in the sun! And, unfortunately sometimes sunburn.

What you need to know about seborrheic dermatitis
A common complaints we see patients for is the complaint of a rash.